Lineament [Latin]
1) Fine Art: entirety of drawn or delineated lines in a particular order and their individual course.
2) Geology: linear feature, a fracture zone reaching into the earth's mantel zone (deep fracture) on a global scale; in earth history repeatedly active.
In the early summer of 2008 I was as the 27th awardee guest in the North Hessian Willingshausen for three months. The Schwalm village is one of the oldest painter's colonies of Europe and is surrounded by gentle hilly landscape with an agricultural structure. Rape and corn fields as well as pastures shape the landscape. Customs and traditional crafts are preserved and upheld.
Lineaments, exhibition in the Gerhard-von Reutern-House, Willingshausen
2008 Drawings, pencil and crayon on paper
Against the Grain
Anett Frontzek often works with existing abstract spatial systems of notation such as ground plan drawings of Gothic brick churches, city maps and nautical charts. She dismantles the systems, breaking them down into their component parts, isolating their signs and codes, and exploring their graphic structures.
The new works also reference features and impressions of a particular locality (in this case a rural environment) and of the research conducted there. In Willingshausen, Anett Frontzek encountered nineteenth-century Hessian embroidery work displaying stitch upon stitch, eyelet after eyelet, on finewoven filigree linens. In contrast to earlier works, her new drawings no longer start from given patterns, ornaments and codes of embroidery considered as a system, rather they explore the structure underlying this, and address the woven grids in a spirit of free interpretation.
from: Barbara Heinrich, Against the Grain, in
Ausstellungskatalog: Anett Frontzek Lineamente
Lineaments, 5 pieces, pencil on paper, each 65 x 50 cm and im GrĂ¼nen I, 5 pieces, crayon on paper, each 38 x 28 cm
Exhibition in the Gerhard-von Reutern-Haus, Willingshausen 2008
Sheet 5 from: Lineaments, 5 pieces, pencil on paper, 65 x 50 cm
Im Grünen II, 4 pieces, crayon on paper, each 42 x 29,7 cm
Exhibition in the Gerhard-von Reutern-Haus, Willingshausen 2008
Sheet 4 from: Im Grünen II, 4 pieces, crayon on paper, 42 x 29,7 cm
Lineament VI, pencil on paper, 38 x 28 cm