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En Passant, or: Souvenirs of the Flaneur

The Kunstverein Frankfurt/Oder invited me in Summer 2007 as a guest in the context of the exhibition series Regenerativ-Verfahren Galerie B in Frankfurt Oder.

In his „Passagenwerk“ Walter Benjamin described sauntering as a purposeless perception of the urban space. Animated by this description I put myself for three and a half weeks into the situation of the Flaneur. Admittedly my sauntering was not without purpose, however, my perception was wholly in the sense of the passively observing Flaneur, unbiased, open, uncensoring and subjective.

A photographic and graphic examination of the public space, architecture, city structures and their usage in Frankfurt/Oder developed.
In the subsequent exhibition „En Passant, or: Souvenirs of the Flaneur“ the souvenirs of this subjective survey were presented.

„Frankfurt, … Or?“
Mixed media, paper cuts, photos, adhesive foil behind glass, adhesive foil on paper, dimensions variable
Frankfurt/Oder 2007

[The German word for „or“ is „oder“. The title plays with this homonym of the German river name „Oder“ [Oder] and the German conjunction „oder“ [or]]

„Frankfurt, … Or?“
Paper cut
Frankfurt/Oder 2007

„Frankfurt, … Or?“
Drawing and two photos, Graphit on paper, 65 x 50 cm each
Frankfurt/Oder 2007

„Frankfurt, … Or?“
ten piece series, adhesive foil on paper, 80 x 65 cm
Frankfurt/Oder 2007
„Frankfurt, … Or?“
adhesive foil on paper, 80 x 65 cm
Frankfurt/Oder 2007
