number of copies: as long as demand exists.

Till the summer of 2012 the Urban-Pharmacy had been an active part of the urban life. In the meantime, the neon signs above the entrance were removed, the electricity was cut off and the furniture taken away. Notes with information about the closing of the pharmacy were stuck to the window which was still dominated by the red pharmacy sign.
For several days, I consequently practiced further demolition. No pharmacy signet is characterizing the shop any more. None is pointing the way in its vicinity. Even the bike stand had to give up its distinctiveness of the pharmacy context. The windows in their milky-white appearance are now preventing the insight into the interior space. Instead, they mirror the direct urban surroundings and the observer himself.
The sockets of the old neon signs of the Urbanus-Pharmacy refer in their lettering to the term „city“. Even if it most probably were rather bishops or popes of the catholic church who acted as namesakes, here the „urban“, from lat. urbanus, as belonging to a city, has temporarily adopted a new visualization.
The temporary installation in the public space was developed during summer 2012 in the context of the Schauraum-hbf project 2012.
10 artists – 10 days – 10 sites in the area around the station in Münster. With Caroline Bayer, Adriane Wachholz, Prof. Andreas Köpnick, Martina Lückener, Anett Frontzek, René Haustein, Susanne Nahrath, Frank Bölter, Matthias Schamp and Oliver Breitenstein.
Katalogauszug hbf–Häuser–Bilder–Fenster im Sommer 2012 (pdf 3,4 MB)